Healthy her, happy us
I have grown up seeing parents doting and loving their children more than anything in the world. While I could feel fractions of their love, I realized how deep and strong it was only when I become a mother myself.
Back then I had different priorities, now there's only one: My little girl! I want to give her the best I can! :)
When she was born, it was like I had got a new teacher. A teacher who would teach me endless things and who would hold my finger and make me travel paths which I had never traveled before in my life.
A simple smile of hers can change my mood instantly. She's like sunlight to me and my husband. We can't live without her rays of happiness showering on us.
Her health is her happiness. When she is ill, the whole home is ill. Her pain is ours and her health plays a great role in our happiness.
When she was two years old, i remember she had suddenly caught a cold and the next thing we knew, the doctor said she was suffering from pneumonia.
It was our biggest nightmare. I had never been so scared and emotionally split before and so was my husband. Every minute was like a year standing with a knife in front of us, jabbing at our hearts. The pain was beyond physical torture. All the smiles in the house died as the only voice heard became the little ones pitiful coughs, pain filled cries and our endless prayers to the Almighty.
When our angel healed finally after one month of rigorous diagnosis, our happiness knew no bounds. We actually took a holiday and celebrated the joy of our now healthy child. :)
That's when we realized how much our happiness depended on her health. We hadn't even eaten properly the past month and it was like everything we ate was distasteful. The flavor of our little one's health was missing in it.
After that incident, see my Mom along with my little girl, and that visit was a turning point for us. My Mom, as awesome as she was, introduced me to the amazing Dabur Chywanprash. She said it was the best remedy one could give a kid to keep illnesses in check as it provided three times more immunity in children.
I have made it a routine since then to feed my little one with ope spoon of Chywanprash everyday and the charm has worked like magic! Except for a light cold once in a while, my girl hasn't suffered with any diseases yet. :)
This post is for the #ImmuneIndia campaign by Dabur, Indiblogger.