Zenith Nutrition Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg Review || Most powerful Anti-Oxidant || Promotes Healthy Sugar Balance
Alpha-Lipoic Acid helps in removing the toxins out of the body thereby improving overall health and is the second most important molecule and a powerful anti-oxidant-yet you might have never heard of it.
Alpha lipoic Acid is a special ingredient as it functions as both a water and fat soluble anti-oxidant . Even though our body produces this ingredient it gets depleted and hence a supplement of this Aplha Lipoic Acid is worthy of serious consideration.
With so many brands in the market it is difficult to choose a good qualitative product which is why i bring you the review of Alpha Lipoic Acid supplements sold by a renowned brand 'Zenith Nutrition' . Lets dig into the review so you can a get a clear idea on how to use and benefit with these nutritional dietary capsules.
What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?
Alpha Lipoic Acid would be a well known term for those dealing with cardiovascular problems or increasing sugar blood levels as it helps in controlling both of them to an extent. Alpha Lipoic Acid is the second most important molecule in our cells that involve in the production of energy and help in controlling blood sugar levels.Alpha Lipoic Acid is also made by our body but factors such as stress, trauma, bad eating habits and medications deplete its presence from our body. As Alpha Lipoic Acid is a natural compound it functions very well as a co-factor to produce energy.
What is so special about Alpha lipoic acid ?
The importance of Alpha Lipoic Acid doubles up when it is termed as a powerful anti-oxidant as the anti-oxidant effect produced by it plays a key factor in improving a lot of things for the human body.Lets take a look at the benefits of this universal anti-oxidant.
- It protects against free radical damage which in turn promotes cardiovascular health. A happy thing for people with cardio problems!
- Its a vita factor in the cellular process that metabolizes glucose
- Gives protection against heart diseases
- Prevents cancer
- It plays a modulatory role in the brain and nervous system
- It may slow aging
- Said to regulate blood sugar for diabetic people
- Improves skin texture and reduces appearance of wrinkles.
In addition to all of this Alpha Lipoic Acid deactivates both fat and water soluble excess minerals under the surface of our skin and hence protects both lipoprotiens and membranes, the only anti-oxidant to do such a thing!
Zenith Nutrition Alpha Lipoic Acid supplement Facts:
How does zenith nutrition benefit?
Now that we know the importance of Alpha Lipoic Acid , have we dwelled upon the thought of its correct presence in our body. Sufficient quantities of Alpha Lipoic Acid can do wonders for your health.
The good news is our body produces its own ALA. The bad news is that unhealthy diet, trauma, stressful life, aging deplete the making of Alpha Lipoic Acid in our body.
Our body produces very little Alpha Lipoic Acid on its own which makes it difficult for the body to obtain to obtain sufficient quantities from our diet.Zenith Nutrition's Alpha Lipoic Acid supplements has 100mg in every capsule which is proved to be safe for daily consumption, made with qualitative standards with its main component being Alpha lipoic acid makes it a dietary supplement worth serious consideration.
With Alpha Lipoic Acid being an ideal antioxidant has the ability to quench a huge variety of free radicals like I explained above. Zenith Nutrition's Alpha Lipoic Acid is termed as the 'universal anti-oxidant'. When consumed daily many people swear it has improved their blood sugar levels and helped them to deal with cardiovascular problems.
The intake of this dietary supplement has shown to reduce oxidative damage in cells along with reversing cell damage. Hardening of the hearts arteries and other conditions due to aging has also been proved to improved with ALA.
Each pill consists of 100 mg and is neither too less nor too high and is great for daily consumption. Really a great supplement as it prevents anti-oxidant damage and is really helpful for those with cancer to decrease their neuropathy. I am willing to try this myself as I am ver impressed with Alpha Lipoic Acid's ability to improve the texture of skin!
Bonus points for zenith Nutrition for coming up with lactose and gluten free capsules. They also are flavourless and colorless and contain no sugar or fish!
Shelf Life:
Best before 18 months from the date of packaging.Price:
1020 INR for 240 capsules of 100mg each.How To Take It?
The recommended dose is 1 capsule between meals. Or you can increase or decrease the dosage once you have got directions from your physician. A capsule a day may be sufficient to help your body get the correct supplement of Alpha Lipoic Acid.Pregnant or women breast feeding, diabetics, hypoglycemics and people with known medical conditions and/or taking medications, should consult with a licensed physician or a pharmacist before including this dietary supplement.
Buy it from Zenith Nutrition's official website here.
Zenith Nutrition's Alpha Lipoic Acid can be termed as a safe and effective supplement for enhancing anti-oxidant activity of Vitamin C&E & Co enzyme Q10. It is an excellent way to increase the levels of the mother of all oxidants , glutathione! Even vegetarians can include Zenith Nutrition Alpha Lipoic Supplements in their diet as Zenith Nutrition is vegan brand ! If you are willing to put this in use do remember to include it in your list of medications while visiting your family doctor or other health care providers.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.